DIY Upcycled Sweater Stocking

by Meghan Quinones, Dec 18 2019

If you’re like me and love the look of knitted sweaters, hats and stockings, but have no clue how to actually knit, you’re in luck because I’m going to show you how to get the look of a pretty knitted Anthropologie inspired stocking with absolutely NO KNITTING! 

Knitting is a craft I’ve never learned, mainly because I am an instant gratification crafter–I love quick and easy projects. Knitting is definitely a craft that takes some time to complete. Since I love the look of the knitted Anthropologie stocking I saw, but don’t have the actually skills (or patience!) to make the real deal, I wanted to come up with an alternative. Check out the full tutorial below to see how you too can make your own DIY upcycled sweater stocking!


  • Knitted Sweater (old or thrifted)
  • Stocking to use as a template
  • Sewing Needle
  • White Thread
  • Sewing Machine 
  • White Yarn 
  • Scissors 

Step 1: Place your stocking template on top of the sweater; making sure it’s not overlapping the trim at the bottom. Trace around the stocking leaving a ¼” seam allowance.

Step 2: Cut out your stocking.

Step 3: Place the right sides together of the stocking and sew together, leaving the top open. Turn the stocking right side out.

Step 4: Place the extra sweater on top of the folded part on stocking template with the seam on the side and the trim at the bottom. Trace around it leaving a ¼ “ seam allowance on the top and right side and then cut.

Step 5: Place the two ends of the piece you just cut so the right sides are facing each other and sew the opening. Then, place the fabric wrong side on the inside of the stocking and sew around the top of the stocking.

Step 6: Pull out the top piece of fabric and fold it over the stocking.

Step 7: Cut a piece of yarn that’s 6.5” long, fold it in half, tie a knot at the end and trim the ends.

Step 8: Place the yarn inside the stocking and sew the edges together to hold the yarn in place. Once you’ve tightly stitched it together, tie a knot and trim the ends. 

Step 9: To create a pom-pom, hold your index and pointer finger 1.5” apart and wrap yarn around them 50 times. Cut a piece of yarn 10” long. Wrap it around the center of the yarn and tie a knot. Then, trim the loops.

Step 10: Use your scissors to trim the yarn into a ball. Repeat the same steps to create another pom-pom.


Step 11: Tie the long strings on the pom-poms to the stocking loop and trim the ends.


You now have a super trendy and chic no-knit DIY upcycled sweater stocking! This stocking is way less than the knitted Anthropologie stocking at it took no time to make!

Sweater Stocking

DIY Sweater Stocking

Happy Holidays! 

- Meghan Quinones 

Meghan Quinones is a Craft Box Girls contributor as well as a blogger, content creator and author of her blog Happiness is Creating


cat-crafts cat-holiday christmas crafts holiday holiday stocking stuffer stocking

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