Unicorn Valentine Card Holder

by Anna Teal, Jan 10 2017

Everyone loves unicorns! Why not celebrate Valentine’s Day with this fun and whimsy unicorn valentine card holder! And the best part is, this little guy is made from found objects around the house like a cereal box, tea box and toilet paper roll.  Get excited, put on some slow jams and get ready to craft with love and unicorns :-)

DIY Unicorn Holder for Valentine's Day

 What You’ll Need:

  • Cereal Box
  • Small Tea Box
  • One toilet paper roll
  • Felt (assorted V-Day colors)
  • Curly Q Bows in gold, pink and blue
  • Martha Stewart Crafts Vintage Decor Paint in Wedding Cake (How appropriate, right?)
  • Martha Stewart Crafts Satin Paint in party streamer
  • Decorative Paper (for the horn)
  • Basecoating brush
  • Scissors
  • Sharpie
  • X-ACTO knife
  • Glue gun and sticks

DIY Unicorn Valentine Holder

 Step 1: Basecoat the cereal and tea box wedding cake and let dry.

Step 2: Cut the toilet paper roll in half and then take one half and cut in half again.  These two pieces will be the feet of your unicorn.  Basecoat these two pieces party streamer pink and let dry.

Step 3: Using the glue gun, attach the tea box (the head) to the side of the cereal box (the body) as shown in the photograph.   

Step 4: Next, Cut out your felt to make wings, eyes, ears and a nose to fit the size of your unicorn.  TIP: I simply free handed a heart, wings, etc. with a sharpie and cut it out.

Step 5: Now that all your felt pieces are ready, use the glue to attach them to the head and body as seen in the photo.

DIY Unicorn Valentine Holder

Step 6: Then, add the colorful party bows to the top of the unicorn for hair and the back for a tail. 

Step 7: As a finishing touch, take your decorative paper and make a cone for the unicorn's horn.  Attach with glue to the head. 

Step 8: With an X-ACTO knife, cut out an opening at the top of the cereal box (the unicorn's back) for Valentine’s cards to fit inside. 

Step 9: Now, your unicorn is ready to frolic in sweet valentine meadows! Feel free to add a little smile on his/her face with a sharpie or paint pen! 

DIY Unicorn Valentine Holder

I hope you enjoyed this very fun and easy way to make a unicorn valentine holder for yourself and/or a kiddo! If you “heart” this craft, please feel free to share the love!

Want more inspiration that speaks to you? Visit my personal blog at www.madesoulful.com and follow me on my social channels @madesoulful! 

Much love,

Anna Teal

Anna Teal cat-occasions Craft DIY DIY Day kids crafts national DIY Day occasions Unicorn valentines day

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