DIY Unicorn Easter Basket Tote

by Lynn Lilly, Mar 09 2025

Each year I like to create two Easter Baskets for Lily. One is with her traditional basket and the other is something new and untraditional that she can continue to use through the year. More than ever this year I want to make Easter special.

This year I turned an extra tote bag that I had into a sparkly magical unicorn Easter basket with the help of Testors Craft Fabric Spray Paint. I think the Easter bunny will be excited to fill this basket! 

Materials for Easter Basket Tote Bag: 

  • Testors Craft Fabric Spray Paint in Gold Glitter, Pink and Yellow
  • Tote Bag
  • Stencil
  • Ribbon or Trim
  • Iron-On Letters
  • Iron
  • Painters Tape (optional)
  • Scissors
  • Fabric Glue (or Fabric Hot Glue & Glue Gun)

DIY Easter Basket Tote Bag

I understand most of you are crafting at home with the resources that you have on hand so feel free to make substitutions as needed. I am sharing this project to inspire you with ideas to make Easter special for your family. 


  1. Place stencil on tote bag. Tape off excess areas that you do not want to the paint to hit. 
  2. Read safety instructions on the Testors Craft Fabric Spray Paint can and shake well before using. 
  3. I am using Testors Fabric Paint in Gold Glitter, Pink and Yellow. Alternate spraying lines of color diagonally across the stencil. When spraying, hold the can 6-12 inches from the surface and spray in a smooth continuous swiping motion. 
  4. Once the stencil is completely covered let it dry. The paint will dry to touch in 30 minutes, dry to use in 3 hours and you should wait 24 hours to wash. No heat setting is required. 
  5. Remove the stencil and save for another project. I am obsessed with how this came out. I love how I got such a crispy stencil. No bleeding under the stencil and the colors are so vibrant. The gold glitter added the perfect touch.  Unicorn Tote Easter Basket
  6. You could stop there but I am a little extra so I went one step further to personalize the toe! I was using ribbon that was thicker than my iron-on letters so I decided to iron them on the ribbon. 
  7. Make sure you cut enough ribbon to fit the circumference of the tote. Fold the ribbon in half, position the iron-on letters. Read package for ironing instructions. 
  8. To finish the bag glue the ribbon around the top edge Make sure the name is centered. I used my hot glue gun and fabric hot glue but any fabric glue will work.  
  9. Last step is to cut a piece of cardboard to fit in the bottom of the tote. This will help it stand up when you fill it.  


DIY Unicorn Easter Tote 

I got a jump start and helped the Easter Bunny by filling the bag with a few things I know my daughter will love! I hope I inspired you to create something special for your kiddos this Easter! Make sure to tag me in your Easter projects! 

DIY Unicorn Easter Basket Tote

DIY Unicorn Easter Basket Tote

DIY Unicorn Easter Basket

DIY Unicorn Easter Basket

Testors Craft Fabric Spray Paint is available online at True Value Hardware stores. Testors Craft Glitter Fabric paint is available online at Do-It-Best stores. 

xoxo- Lynn

This post is sponsored by Testors but all thoughts and opinions are my own! 

DIY Unicorn Easter Basket Tote Bag

cat-crafts crafts DIY with Lynn Lilly Easter Basket Easter Crafts family kids More Videos Testors trending Unicorn Crafts

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