Easy Nature Crafts for Kids

by Lynn Lilly, May 13 2024

Summer is all about adventures and getting outdoors! Turn your next outdoor adventure into a craft project when you get home. On this week's Crayola Facebook live I am turning nature finds into 3 crafts for kids of all ages. 

 Nature Crafts for Kids

Find all the Crayola supplies I used in today's projects at crayola.com 


Project 1: Painted Stick Frame


  • Sticks 
  • Crayola Acrylic or Washable Paint
  • Yarn
  • Washable Liquid Glue

Kids Nature Crafts


  1. Go on a nature walk and collect 4 sticks that have fallen from trees. If you find longer sticks, have an adult help you cut or break them into smaller pieces.
  2. One back at home wipe down the sticks. Use washable or acrylic paint to paint designs on each stick. 
  3. Let the sticks completely dry. 
  4. Lay the sticks in a square or rectangle shape. Overlap each edge. 
  5. Start with one corner and wrap yarn around and in and out to connect the corner. Wrap it around as many times as needed until seems sturdy. Do this to each corner until it is attached in one piece. 
  6. Tie a piece of yarn from the end of side and connect to the opposite end of the stick. 
  7. Use the washable liquid glue to glue a picture to the corners wrapped in yarn. 

Project 2: Painted Leafs


  • Leaves
  • Crayola Washable or Acrylic Paint 
  • Paint Brush


  1. Go on a nature walk and collect leaves that have fallen from trees.  
  2. When you get home make sure to wipe your leaves and make sure they are dry. 
  3. Use acrylic or washable paint to paint patterns on the leaves. 
  4. Once they are dry you can get creative with how you use them. 

Project 3:  Pinecone Critters


  • Pinecones
  • Crayola Construction Paper
  • Crayola Washable Liquid Paint
  • Crayola Washable Glue Stick
  • Scrap Cardboard
  • Googley Eyes/Pom Poms/ Markers


  1. Go on a nature walk and collect pinecones that have fallen from trees. 
  2. Pick a critter to create. 
  3. Start by cutting the critter feet in cardboard, cut a piece of construction paper to match the shape of the cardboard. Glue the construction paper to the cardboard. Glue it to the bottom of the pinecone so the pinecone will stand up.
  4. Paint the tips of pinecone to the color of your critter.
  5. Cut out paws, arms and a face and attach to the pinecone with glue. 

Get creative and dream up your critters! 

Happy Crafting! 

Lynn :) 

#elementarycrafts cat-kids Crayola creative inspiration kids crafts live livebroadcasts livecrafts myfavorites nature crafts

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