Tie Dye Baby Onesie

by Lynn Lilly, Oct 01 2022

Project: Tie Dye Baby Onesie

Did you know you can get Create Basic Tie-Dye Kids and refills at your local Walmart? I made my sweet little Bella a colorful onesie (grab your onesie at Walmart too)

Project Video: 

Project Materials:

  • CreateBasics Tie Dye Kit / Refill Kit
  • Baby Onesie

Project Instructions: 

  1. Fold your baby onesie in any design you choose. 
  2. Rubber band your onesie to keep it secure.
  3. Choose your colors and pattern and then apply your tie dye. 
  4. Roll your onesie into a trash bag to let the colors set.
  5. Wash and wear!

This post is sponsored by CreateBasics but all thoughts and opinions are my own!

xoxo - Lynn

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