Easy Kids Easter Crafts

by Lynn Lilly, Mar 09 2025

Where did March go? I feel like I blinked and National Craft Month was over and we hopped right along to Easter and National Crayon Day. This week on my Crayola Facebook live Broadcast I am sharing 3 easy crafts for the kiddos! 

Tune in every Tuesday at 1:00pm EST on the Crayola Facebook Page for 3 fun crafts for the whole family! 

All the Crayola craft supplies I used in the projects below can be found on crayola.com

Project 1: Easter Tree Ornaments

I have been decorating the same Easter tree since I was little. This very tree that you see has grown with me. It got a little makeover this year but has been in my family for decades and I am excited to pass it along to my girls. 

Kids Easter Tree Ornament Craft Crayola


  • Crayola Construction Paper
  • Crayola Washable Glue
  • Crayola Model Magic
  • Crayola Markers
  • Yarn
  • Googley Eyes
  • Pipe Cleaners. 

Chick Ornament Directions:

  1. Draw and cut three circles the same size from yellow construction paper. Find something circular like a cup or a ribbon spool to trace. 
  2. Fold each circle in half.
  3. Glue two halves together. 
  4. Cut a piece of yarn about 6" long, fold in half and tie the loose ends in a knot. 
  5. Glue the knot at the end in the crease where the two circles meet. 
  6. Cut a tail feather from the yellow construction paper. Glue it to the middle of one of half of one of the circles so it sticks out. 
  7. Take the 3rd circle and glue it to the other two circles. 
  8. Make chick feet from the pipe cleaners and glue in one of the folded creases. 
  9. Add google eyes and an orange construction paper beak. 
  10. Once glue is dry hang it on the Easter tree!

Chic Easter Ornament Craft

Carrot Ornament Directions:

  1. Draw and cut an isosceles triangle on orange paper. 
  2. Draw and cut a leafy stem on green construction paper. 
  3. Use a black marker to add texture lines to the carrot. 
  4. Glue the leafy top on the short side of the triangle. 
  5. Cut a piece of yarn that is 6" long, fold in half and tie a knot. Glue the knot to the back of the carrot. 
  6. Let the glue dry then make more to hang on the tree!

Carrot Easter Tree Ornament

Marble Model Magic Egg Ornament:

  1. Take a chunk of white Model Magic and an equal chunk of another color. 
  2. Roll the white and color Model Magic into separate rolls. Twist the rolls together. Keep twisting and folding until you get a fun marbled pattern. 
  3. Roll into a ball and use your hands to form it into an egg. 
  4. Add a pattern or polka dots or leave it as is. 
  5. Create a bow and hanger and glue to the top of the egg. 
  6. Let it dry before hanging on the tree. 

Model Magic Easter Ornament

Easter Tree Ornament Crafts

Project 2: Easter Egg Paper Plate Wreath

This is such a fun craft for your kids to show their creativity and practice coloring! 

Easter Egg Kids Paper Plate Wreath Kids Craft


  • Crayola White Construction Paper 
  • Crayola Markers
  • Crayola Confetti Crayons
  • Crayola Colored Pencils
  • Crayola Glitter Pens
  • Crayola Metallic Markers
  • Crayola Washable Glue
  • Paper Plate
  • Scissors
  • Egg Template


  1. Print the egg template on white construction paper or draw your own eggs. 
  2. Color a pattern on each egg using markers, crayons, colored pencils and glitter pens. 
  3. Cut out each egg. 
  4. Cut out the center of the paper plate. 
  5. Glue the eggs around the plate. 

Project 3: Craft Roll Chick Treat Holder

These are fun for the kids to make and then parents surprise them by having the Easter Bunny fill them with treats! 

Bunny and Chick Craft Roll Kids Crafts


  • Crayola Construction Paper (yellow and orange)
  • Crayola Washable Glue
  • 1 Brown Pipe Cleaner
  • Googley Eyes
  • Yellow Feathers 
  • Easter Grass/Crinkle


  1. Cut a craft roll to about 3". 
  2. Cut a piece of yellow construction paper to fit around the craft roll. Glue it around the craft roll. 
  3. Cut a small diamond shape out of the orange construction paper and fold in half to make the beak. 
  4. Glue the beak to the front center of the craft roll. 
  5. Glue 2 googley eyes above the beak. 
  6. Cut 2-3 small pieces of yellow feathers and glue on the top top inside of the craft roll so they are popping out of the chicks head. 
  7. Cut two wings from yellow construction paper and glue to each side of the craft roll. 
  8. Make two small chick feet and glue to the bottom inside of the craft roll. 
  9. Stuff the easter grass inside the roll. Top with treats. 

You can even make a bunny! 

Easter Bunny and Chick Craft Roll Kids Craft

Happy Easter Crafting! 

Easter Crafts for Kids

Don't forget to tune in to the Crayola Facebook Page every Tuesday at 1:00pm EST! 



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