National DIY DAY Ambassador | Hot Wheels and Glue Guns | Louisville, KY
Hot Wheels and Glue guns is a memory keeping and crafting blog.
The biggest challenge is photography! I am always trying to improve my images to make them more professional looking and clear to compliment my tutorials. But, I am soooo an amateur
Please share your favorite creative quote:
“Stop being scared of failing. be scared of not trying.” - Karen Salmansohn
Please share a link to your most creative (or favorite) DIY or craft project blog:

Can you tell us your biggest craft fail?
Funny, I can't remember anything- I am SURE I have had them, but I tend to brush that off as a lesson learned!
What is one piece of advice would you give someone wanting to start a blog or creative business:
Be intentional about making this a business, not just your hobby. It might be tempting to try to sell a bunch of different crafty items, but you are better off selling a dozen excellent well thought out products, than a hundred half-assed ones.
Where do you get your creative inspiration?
Instagram (duh!), from my local art museum, and from people. I LOVE meeting new people, seeing their lives, hearing their stories and ideas
What are you most excited about for National DIY DAY?
The chance to host a big crafty party!
In 5 years, what is your goal for you and your blog?
I would like to learn to shoot videos and collaborate with other diy biz's on a few projects
Please share with us a fun fact about yourself:
3 things (because I can't decide)- 1- I use a wheelchair 2- I am that person who can strike up a conversation with any stranger they meet 3 - My 'day job' is working in the disabilities field
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