Our team has had so much fun creating a magical Christmas collection with Eclectic Products using Unicorn SPiT and E6000! Our goal was to bring the magic to Christmas through tradition and create projects that could become party of traditions and crafts kids could do with their family! Below you will find a compilation video of all the projects and a video for each project!
Visit Eclectic's website to see the whole range of Unicorn SPiT colors, the variety of E6000 Adhesives and show them at Michaels Stores!
A Magical Christmas To Make the Most Crafty Memories with your family!
Project: Memory Chest
Project: 3 Fun Ideas for Kids to Make Wrapping Paper
Project: Vintage Sled Makeover
Do you have an old sled that you would love ot turn into holiday decor. Our production manager Hope has a whole garage full of antiques and she found this old sleigh from her childhood. I just knew we could give this sled some new life and turn it into a show stopping piece of holiday decor with Eclectic Products Unicorn SPiT!
Project: DIY A Tree Skirt
Tis' the season for crafting! This year I decided to get a plain white tree skirt, make stencils, and stencil a fun village pattern with Eclectic Products Unicorn SPiT. It turned out perfect! I love that Unicorn SPiT works great on so many different surfaces. When using it in fabric just don’t forget to seal it!
Project: Kids Countdown to Christmas Craft

Crafts have always been something that brings my family together. I have so many memories growing up of making things with my mom. the holidays are the best time to start making those memories as a family. Grab a few bottles of Unicorn SPiT and start crafting magical Christmas memories.
Happy Holiday Crafting!
This post was sponsored by Eclectic but all thoughts and opinions are my own.