Creative Ways to Display Tickets and Travel Momentos
by Lynn Lilly, Jan 20 2016
Every time I travel I collect ticket stubs, maps and brochures with the intention of scrapbooking them and preserving the amazing memories. We all know scrapbooking takes some serious time and time is not on my side these days. I finally got sick of all the momentos from our epic Asia trip, honeymoon and most recent Italy vacation sitting in boxes so I decided to create some quick and easy ways to display and enjoy them. Check out these 4 easy projects that will provide a constant reminder of your amazing memories.
3D Canvas of our time Seoul: Using a square canvas I hot glued a map on the background and layered in the momentos. This is one of the most special momentos because my husband and I got to watch his brother ski in the World Special Olympics. It was truly AMAZING!
Coffee Table Tray: This was the perfect element to display our amazing memories of Tokyo. I used Mod Podge to secure the pictures and momentos to the face of the tray. I added two layers of Mod Podge on top of the momentos. Let these coats dry for 20 minutes (I did not and you can see some of the wet marks) before the next step. Next I applied Envirotex Lite (available at Michaels) high gloss finish by following the instructions on the box. I let the gloss dry for 24 hours. Once it was dry the face of the tray was left with a glossy hard finish.
Shadow Box: Shadow boxes are always great and easy to re-arrange when you are ready to try something new. I used this box to display our Cabo honeymoon memories.
Memory Mirror: Rosanna picked up this mirror at Goodwill a few months ago for only $10. I have been waiting for the perfect project to use it. I could not think of a better project than to commemorate our family tour of Italy for my mom's 60th birthday! I started by coating the surface of the boarder with Mod Podge and then applied my items flat and used my fingers to smooth out bubbles. I applied 2-3 more quotes of Mod Podge letting it dry about 5 minutes in between. If you want to add a high gloss finish you can apply the same product used for the tray above.
Happy Memory Keeping!
xoxo- LL
creative inspiration
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