This week on my Crayola Facebook Live we are celebrating July 4th 2 easy crafts the kiddos can make at home!
Shop all the Crayola supplies I used in today's crafts at
Project 1: Flag Crayon Melt Sun Catcher
- Crayola Crayons (red, blue, white)
- Wax Paper
- Iron or Blow Dryer
- Crayon Sharpener or Grater
- Popsicle Sticks
- Crayola Glitter Glue
- Scissors
- Crayola Washable Liquid Glue
- 3 Paper Plates
- Painters Tape.
- Sharpen or grate 1 blue, 1 red and 1 white crayon. Do each on a separate paper plate.
- Lay piece of wax paper on a flat surface. Make sure it is a heat protected surface or put a towel under it.
- Sprinkle the crayon shavings in the shape of a flag on the wax paper.
- Carefully place a second piece of the wax paper on top of the crayon shavings.
- Use painters tape to secure the wax paper to the surface (so that it does blow away if you are using a blow dryer)
- Use a blowdryer or iron to melt the crayon way.
- Let it cool.
- While it is cooling glue 4 popsicle sticks together in the shape of a square.
- Cut out the flag so that it fits in the popsicle stick frame. Glue it to the back of the frame.
- Use the glitter glue to decorate the frame.
- Once the frame is dry hold it up in front of a window and watch the sun shine through.
Project 2: Construction Paper Mosaic Star
- Crayola Construction Paper in Red, Blue, White
- Cardboard or Cardstock
- Pencil
- Scissor
- Crayola Glue Stick

- Draw and cut out a star on a piece of cardboard or cardstock.
- Cut each color of construction paper into smaller pieces. They don't have to be equal shapes and sizes.
- Use the glue stick to glue the pieces of construction paper to the flag to create your own mosaic design.
Have a safe and happy July 4th!
Lynn :)