Today, we are all going to be artists! What better to celebrate summer than with a refreshing slice of watermelon! Here is what you need to create your own work of summer art!
Project Difficulty: Beginner
- Watercolor Paint Pallets
- Erasable Colored Pencils
- Paint Brushes
- White Paper from Paint Set
Additional Materials:
- Paper Towel
- Plastic Cup of Water

- Pick a brush that you feel comfortable using. I started with the red brush.
- Dip the brush in water and add water to the red watercolor paint.
- Paint a wide "u" shape in the center of the paper. Paint a line across the top opening connecting the openings.
- Paint the inside of the with the red paint. Add more water to the paint as needed.
- Next add water to the light green paint and paint a boarder around the watermelon. Only paint around the "u" shape of the watermelon.
- Paint another border around the light green paint with a darker green paint.
- Let the paint dry.
- Use the black colored pencil to draw seeds in the watermelon.
- Use the colored pencils to write "Happy Summer" or a message of your choice above and below the watermelon.
- Shade around the watermelon with light blue watercolor paint or a color of your choice.
Let the painting dry and then put it in a frame or hang it on the fridge!
We hope you enjoyed this Camp Craft Box project! Parents, share your child’s craft on the Camp Craft Box Facebook Group. Don’t forget to tag @crayola and @craftboxgirls and use the hashtag #CampCraftBox if you share your child's projects on social media.