Homemade Cutting Board

by Chan Vu, Apr 07 2015

Cutting boards can cost between $10 - $100 depending on the wood, size and style. Yikes right? Especially if you need a huge board for a cheese platter presentation at your next get-together. I'm going to show you a basic do-it-yourself cutting board that doesn't break the bank. Once you have the supplies, you can make as many cutting boards in any shapes and sizes.

  • A slab of natural wood (untreated). The smoother the wood, the better.
  • Sandpaper 100 grit
  • Fine sandpaper 1200 grit
  • Hand sander
  • Mineral oil
  • Towel
1. Select and cut wood. I recommend using natural wood that are used to build stair boards. It's already sanded down and cuts the work by half the time. They even have a rounded front edge for aesthetic. You can get the wood cut where you buy lumber free of charge. 
2. Sand the wood. Although the board is already smooth, you want to get rid of the fresh cut edges. Smooth that down with the hand sander using 100 git sandpaper. Also, run that sander over the surface of the board to make sure it's evenly smooth. Switch to the 1200 grit for extra smoothness around the edges.
3. Wash and dry.  After sanding, wash the dust off with water. Let the board dry completely before starting the next step. 
4. Apply mineral oil. Mineral oil helps seal and lock in that beautiful color. Use a food safe mineral oil (most are food safe). You can purchase it at Walgreens or CVS in the laxative aisle. Apply with a towel. Wipe until the oil is sealed in. Let dry for 24 hours. 
5. Maintain. Your cutting board is ready for usage. Maintain the cutting board by applying mineral oil once a month to keep that polished look. 

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