DIY Yarn Art

by Lynn Lilly, Oct 31 2022

Let's get yarny! I love creating art with untraditional items. It was fun to create a colorfully wild design on a canvas with yarn and Aleene's Turbo Tacky Glue. Grab an assortment of yarn and craft along with me! 

DIY Yarn Art


  1. Aleene's Turbo Tacky Glue
  2. Yarn in Multiple Colors
  3. Canvas
  4. Scissors
  5. Tweezer


  1. Select your colors of yarn and determine the pattern of the colors. Lay out the order of the first round of colors. Cut each string longer than you think you need. 
  2. Using the Aleene's Turbo Tacky Glue, draw a line of glue across the canvas to start the pattern. 
  3. Place the first piece of yarn on the glue line. 
  4. Run another line of glue either right above or below the yarn. Place your second piece of yarn on the glue line.. Use the tweezer to squeeze the yarn close together and eliminate any separation. Yarn Art
  5. Keep alternating colors until you achieve the desired design. DIY Yarn Art
  6. I left a bit of the canvas bare to add some texture variation. DIY Yarn Art
  7. Let your glue dry. Once the glue is dry trim the edges of the yarn. DIY Yarn Art

DIY Yarn Art

Happy Crafting! 



This post was sponsored by Aleene's but all thoughts and options are my own!

Aleenes cat-crafts crafts creative inspiration yarn Yarn Art

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