You might have read this title and thought, wait, does Lynn have her holidays mixed up. Nope! You read it right.... Halloween Egg Hunt. Last year we didn't have trick or treat in our neighborhood but I wanted Lily to be able to get dressed, have fun with her friends and have a safe activity. I ordered some Halloween plastic eggs and made some decorations, filled the eggs with candy, hid them all over our yard and invited over a few friends. It was a blast (photos from last year at the end of the post)! Even though trick or treat will be back this year, my egg hunt was so much fun I am making it an annual tradition. This year I am excited to have a few more families over and step up my decorating game.
I teamed up with my friends at Eclectic Products to make a festive sign for my Halloween Egg Hunt using Unicorn SPiT and E6000+. I was also excited to try out Unicorn SPiT on smooth finished surface as I had mostly just used it on raw wood and fabric. The results are magic!

- Unicorn SPiT in Purple Hill Majesty, Pixie Punk Pink, Midnight's Madness, Phoenix Fire
- E600+
- White Smooth Finished Wood Slatted Sign (I got mine at Michaels)
- Raw Wood Letters
- Halloween Ribbon & Sparkly Egg to Make the Bow
- Halloween Wreath Picks (sparkly spider as a bonus)
- Paint Brushes
- Decorative Trim
- Non-Water Based Sealant
- Paint the Unicorn SPiT Purple Hill Majesty on the raised horizontal panels. It will look streaky and pretty awful but I promise there is magic happening. Let the SPiT sit for 5-10 minutes. Set a timer because you don't want it to sit too long.
- Once the timer goes off, grab a clean paper towel and in a circular motion apply light pressure. You will begin to rub off the top coat of SPiT and reveal that it died the smooth wood a light pretty purple. We will seal it at the end of the project.
- Next paint the wood letters with the Unicorn SPiT in Pixie Punk Pink, Phoenix Fire and Purple Hill Majesty.
- Using a small paint brush paint a spider web across the sign.
- Once everything is dry, use E600+ to glue on the letters, decorative trim.
- Apply a non-water based sealant. I used a spray finish and it worked great.
- For a festive touch create a bow with Halloween picks and a glittery egg as the centerpiece. Attached with the E600+
We are so excited for this year's egg hunt and this sign is the perfect way to step up my game and create a even better experience!
Check out a few photos from last year's Halloween Egg Hunt!
Happy Halloween Friends!
This post is sponsored by Eclectic Products but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
What a novel idea and I’m sure the children had a blast. I might steal your idea for the kids at church. Thank you for sharing.