Holiday Wine Toppers

by Chan Vu, Nov 19 2018

The holidays are here. It's time to make a fun craft that doubles as a gift and home decor. These holiday wine toppers make a great addition to wine gifts if you are heading out to a party. The host or hostess will love it. If you are giving these wine toppers away as a gift set then these will be enjoyed year after year. 

DIY Santa and Rudolph Wine Toppers

Santa Wine Topper

4 x 1/2 inch white felt

9 x 3 inch red felt

wooden furniture button

red pom

pillow filling

glue gun


DIY How to Make a Santa Wine Toppers


1. Roll the red felt into a cone. 

2. Hot glue the cone together. This is Santa's hat.

3. Trim off the excess red felt.

4. From the long side, hot glue the white felt onto the red cone. Trim off the excess white felt.

5. Hot glue the red pom to the top of the hat.

6. Hot glue the wooden furniture button as Santa's nose.

7. Hot glue the pillow filling around the remaining red felt as Santa's beard.

8. All done and ready for gifting. 

DIY How to Make a Santa Wine Toppers

DIY Santa Wine Toppers

Rudolph Wine Topper

white craft paint

black craft paint

2 paint brushes

2 wooden furniture buttons

1 brown pipe cleaner

8 x 3 brown felt

4 x 4 brown felt

print-out of reindeer clip art

red pom

glue gun


DIY How to make a Rudolph wine topper


1. Paint the wooden furniture buttons white. Let it dry and then paint on the black eye balls.

2. Roll the 8 x 3inch brown felt into a cone. Hot glue the cone closed. Trim off the excess felt. 

3. Search a reindeer clip art from Google. Resize to fit the head on a 4 x 4 paper and print. Cut only the reindeer head. Trace the head on a  4 x 4 brown felt. 

4. Hot glue the eyes and red pom as the nose on the reindeer head. 

5. Cut the pipe cleaner in half and fold in a V shape. Use the remaining pipe cleaner to cut and fold around to make antlers. 

6. Hot glue the antlers to the cone tip. 

7. Hot glue the reindeer head to the cone tip under the antler. 

8. Top Rudolph over a bottle of wine.

DIY How to make a Rudolph Wine Topper

DIY Rudolph Wine Topper

Now that you know how easy it is to make this fun and crafty gift, why not make a couple of sets right now? You can get the kids involved in this craft too. Let's just call it water bottle toppers and leave the wine out. Either way, the holiday is much more festive with these fun crafts to brighten the day. 

DIY Holiday Wine Toppers

For more awesome craft ideas, visit my personal blog at The Crafting Board. Follow me on Instagram, FacebookTwitter  and YouTube too!



holiday Chan Vu Christmas crafts creative inspiration creative inspirations felt felt craft gift set gifts gifts for her gifts for him holiday holiday gifts host gift hostess gift pipe cleaner rudolph santa wine accessories wine cover wine toppers

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